Thursday, September 29, 2011

Yarn/Felt Wreath

TADA! Another craft :) I've been seeing lots of these on Pinterest and I have never had a wreath so....
Easy. Cheap. .... Didn't take too too long.
I used a pipe insulation tube for the base and just picked the colors of yarn and felt I liked.

It took way longer than I thought to wrap the tube. With the first layer, I was extremely meticulous about keeping the yarn very tight and straight. Then I just kind of quickly re-wrapped it randomly.

Then came the flowers! I was kind of nervous to screw these up. As we all know, I'm not the most crafty! But guess what! You can't screw these up!! 

Then I glued them on and voila! I think I need to still add a few more flowers, but this is the general idea. 

Thursday, September 8, 2011

RaInBoW cAkE

So... Adam's birthday is coming up and I have been wracking my brain trying to think of what kind of cake to make. Surfing Pinterest, I found a beautiful layered cake and thought, "I can do that... It would only take 5 hours and 3 boxes of cake mix and 7 round pans." Well..... then I found this! 
**cue the angels singing** 
However, the recipe is for Weight Watchers and calls for diet Sprite. ##GROSS## For those of you who know me, I am morally opposed to diet drinks. And diets in general. So I just used regular white cake mix.

Now THAT I can do. There is now way the four of us can healthily [yup, pretty sure I made that word up] eat a whole cake. I decided to use the people I work with as my guinea pigs. They are always so obliging.

I don't have two 8-inch round pans so I just plopped it all in a 9x13"... And I accidentally did too much blue.

I'm sorry - but I am a batter-eater. Looking at this picture makes me want to whip up some mix and just grab a spoon. It also makes me think of Play-Do. (don't worry - the two thoughts don't overlap)

Oh yeah - I also didn't have enough left-over frosting in a can. Did I mention that I remembered my plan to make this at 9:30 PM the night before....? I don't like to use frosting in a can, but necessity and fatigue won that night. And it didn't even taste that great - but I WILL try again!

Non-invasive Lobotomy

This "Time Out Jar" is also referred to as a Mind Jar. It is basically a brightly colored snow globe minus the Santa Clause or some Unicorn (hope that doesn't bring up any bad memories, Janell!). Well, when I was a kid, I was always mesmerized by those things - enough so that my eyes would hurt after staring at it until every last flake of snow hit the ground.

I tried this with Chloe today and it WORKED!!! I had to remind her that all of the glitter hadn't settled a couple of times, but she was calm when it was done.

The instructions online call for pink glitter glue and pink glitter. Well.... when you remember things last minute at Walmart, you take what you can get :)

So the glitter I bought was too heavy and sank really fast. So I grabbed some of my pricey dust glitter. It worked perfectly :)

GREAT for St. Patrick's Day, yes?? 

Purple Platter... Jewelry holder thing....

Aren't you all in for a treat! There are THREE things I'm posting about tonight. I will warn you now though - Shane says that my house has to be clean before I can "craft". He sounded exactly like my dad when he said it - but it is great motivation to keep my house clean :D So I will hopefully be able to do some more stuff this week.

Anyway, the first thing I did was make a ring/earring platter thing. My sister has SO many of these for like cakes and that - and I saw one on Pinterest and got excited! My old jewelry box has seen better days.

Anyway, a trip to DI and Walmart got me everything I needed for this little project. Total cost was probably about $10 --- but there are leftover supplies so... I WIN!

I totally didn't even think about a "before and after". So here is "before I put my jewelry on" and "after I put my jewelry on". I just really really REALLY hope the paint doesn't chip off. I put like 5 clear coats on and waited 24 hours before putting anything on.... Anyway, I like this project. It inspired me to make my room more colorful. Maybe that will be some future task! 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


I am surrounded by amazing people. People who can create the Taj Mahal out of toilet paper and make a princess gown from plastic wrap (some examples presented may be dramatized). Through my years, I have been witness to genius masterpieces made by those I am close to. I have a friend who makes the most amazing hair pieces and another who can make anything from anything. I know photographers that would make your pictures look like kindergarten drawings. I know painters, and bakers, and ... no.. no candlestick makers on my facebook friend list. My sisters have the most amazing design eyes and I always go to them for help with making invitations, getting costume ideas, baking supplies, etc... 

I, however, was blessed with the ability to surf the web and bookmark the things that I like. 

So, it is with great effort that I find those creations out there in the cosmos that look appealing [and easy] and I, Bonnie Peavler - the most NON-creative person alive, will attempt to copy those things and chronicle my adventures on this blog. There may occasionally be some successes or even an original idea or two! --- Ok, that last part is probably not true because, let's face it...I'm JUST NOT CREATIVE (see what I did there....with the blog address....)

PS - I was not even creative enough to come up with my blog address, name, or description. All were handed to me by a co-worker who supports my cause.