Wednesday, September 7, 2011


I am surrounded by amazing people. People who can create the Taj Mahal out of toilet paper and make a princess gown from plastic wrap (some examples presented may be dramatized). Through my years, I have been witness to genius masterpieces made by those I am close to. I have a friend who makes the most amazing hair pieces and another who can make anything from anything. I know photographers that would make your pictures look like kindergarten drawings. I know painters, and bakers, and ... no.. no candlestick makers on my facebook friend list. My sisters have the most amazing design eyes and I always go to them for help with making invitations, getting costume ideas, baking supplies, etc... 

I, however, was blessed with the ability to surf the web and bookmark the things that I like. 

So, it is with great effort that I find those creations out there in the cosmos that look appealing [and easy] and I, Bonnie Peavler - the most NON-creative person alive, will attempt to copy those things and chronicle my adventures on this blog. There may occasionally be some successes or even an original idea or two! --- Ok, that last part is probably not true because, let's face it...I'm JUST NOT CREATIVE (see what I did there....with the blog address....)

PS - I was not even creative enough to come up with my blog address, name, or description. All were handed to me by a co-worker who supports my cause.

1 comment:

  1. very cute idea fats... you are also a complete dork, you know that right? you are creative. and smart.
